Presentation estimate

Feel free to make use of the cost calculator to get an approximate cost for your project. 
The calculator is based on typical project of 30 slides.
Cost includes the following:
Consultation with client to understand the purpose and audience.
Understand the content, structure and the flow of information.
Custom theme/template design which includes defining the typography & colour palette.
Incorporating relevant and high-quality visuals this includes images, illustrations, icons, charts, graphs & diagrams. 
Layout & composition of each slide to ensure and maintain consistency.
Slide Transitions & Animations.
Test, review, finalize & deliver.
Cost is calculated per slide.
Below is an estimate example of a 15 slide project.
This estimate is not binding. The estimate is an approximation of the the information provided. The actual cost may change after all of the project elements have been negotiated and finalized.
Get in touch!
+27 76 421 3566
Cape Town
Office hours: 9h00 - 16h00
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